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The following disclaimer (hereinafter, the "Disclaimer") regulates the use of the service provided by the Internet portal (hereinafter, the "Web") of Técnicas Hidráulicas SA, holder of Corporate Tax Number A48520134 with registered offices at Aritz Bidea, 65,48100, Mungia, Bizkaia.
As a general rule, the relationship between Técnicas Hidráulicas SA and the Users of the electronic services provided by its Web are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.
The parties expressly waive their rights to their corresponding jurisdictions and submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Vizcaya to resolve any controversy that may arise from the interpretation or execution of these contractual conditions.
Contents and Use
The User is hereby informed of and accepts that access to this Web in no way involves the beginning of a commercial relationship with Técnicas Hidráulicas SA.
The owner of the Web does not partake of the opinions that may be disclosed in the Web by its collaborators. Técnicas Hidráulicas SA reserves the right to make any changes to its Web that it deems suitable without prior notice. This includes changing, deleting or adding both contents and services provided through the Web and the manner in which these are presented or localised in its servers.
Intellectual and Industrial Property
The intellectual property rights of the contents of its web pages, graphic design and codes are the exclusive property of Técnicas Hidráulicas SA. Therefore, their reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation is prohibited, as well as any other activity involving the contents of its web pages, including quoting sources, without the explicit written authorisation of Técnicas Hidráulicas SA. All the commercial names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained in the web pages of the Company are the property of their owners and protected by Law.
The links found in the web pages of Técnicas Hidráulicas SA are included merely for information purposes and under no circumstance do they imply any manner of suggestion, invitation or recommendation with regard to the same.
Confidentiality and Data Protection
In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, dated 13 December, on Personal Data Protection, Técnicas Hidráulicas SA informs the User of the existence of an automated personal data file generated by and for Técnicas Hidráulicas SA, under its responsibility, for the purpose of maintaining and managing its relationship with the User, as well as information purposes. You give your explicit consent to the inclusion of your data in the aforementioned file and relaying of commercial information regarding Técnicas Hidráulicas SA products. Once these general conditions are accepted, Técnicas Hidráulicas SA shall request that the User submit certain indispensable data to enable the provision of its services.
Registro de ficheros y formularios
La cumplimentación del formulario de registro es obligatoria para acceder y disfrutar de determinados servicios ofrecidos en la web. El no facilitar los datos personales solicitados o el no aceptar la presente política de protección de datos supone la imposibilidad de suscribirse, registrarse o participar en cualquiera de las promociones en las que se soliciten datos carácter personal.
De acuerdo a lo establecido en la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, le informamos que los datos personales que se obtengan como consecuencia de su registro, serán incorporados a un fichero titularidad de Técnicas Hidráulicas SA y domicilio en Aritz Bidea, 65,48100, Mungia, Bizkaia, teniendo implementadas las medidas de seguridad establecidas en el Real Decreto 1720/2007.
Files and Forms Registry
Completion of the registration form is mandatory to access and enjoy the use of certain services offered in the Web. Not providing the requested personal data or not accepting this Data Protection Policy will render it impossible for the User to subscribe, register or participate in any of the promotions in which personal data are requested. In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, dated 13 December, on Personal Data Protection, we inform the User that the personal data obtained as a result of registration in the Web will be included in a file owned by Técnicas Hidráulicas SA at its registered offices at Aritz Bidea, 65,48100, Mungia, Bizkaia and protected by the safety measures set forth in Royal Decree 1720/2007
Cookies policy
The purposes of Técnicas Hidráulicas SA are to maintain and manage its relationship with the User, as well as information purposes.
In the event that our services are intended specifically for minors, Técnicas Hidráulicas SA shall request the conformity of the parents or tutors to gather personal data or, if applicable, to automate data processing.
Yielding Data to Third Parties
Técnicas Hidráulicas SA does not yield User personal data to third parties.
Exercising Rights of Access, Correction, Cancellation and Opposition
The User can address any communication and exercise their rights of access, correction, cancellation and opposition to the Internet address or by ordinary mail to Técnicas Hidráulicas SA Ref. LOPD, Aritz Bidea, 65,48100, Mungia, Bizkaia. To exercise these rights and in compliance with Instruction 1/1998, dated 19 January, of the Data Protection Agency, Users must certify their identity before Técnicas Hidráulicas SA by sending a copy of their National Identity Document or by any other means contemplated by Law. Nonetheless, changes or corrections to User registration data can be carried out in the Web, after identification by entering the proper username and password.
Safety Measures
Técnicas Hidráulicas SA has implemented the Personal Data protection and safety measures required by law. It shall also install additional technical means and measures at its disposal to prevent loss, improper use, alteration, unauthorised access and theft of Personal Data provided to Técnicas Hidráulicas SA. The company shall not be held responsible for damage or harm arising from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone service failures or disconnections in the operation of this electronic system caused by events beyond the control of Técnicas Hidráulicas SA due to delays or impediments in the use of the electronic system caused by telephone line deficiencies or overloads or overloads in the Data Processing Centre, in the Internet or in other electronic systems, as well as damage caused by illegal intrusion of third parties beyond the control of Técnicas Hidráulicas SA. Notwithstanding the above, the User must be aware that Internet safety measures are not impenetrable.
Acceptance and Consent
The User declares that they have been informed of the conditions governing the personal data protection and accepts and consents to the automated processing of the same by Técnicas Hidráulicas SA in the manner and for the purposes set forth in this Personal Data Protection Policy. Some of the services provided in the Portal may contain particular conditions with specific provisions for Personal Data Protection.