If you need more information about our equipment and services, contact us.
The company's extensive network of local support, and its team of specialist technicians available to travel worldwide, enables TH to offer customers expert technical assistance supported by our efficient, high quality service for spares.
The service centres at our various branch offices enable TH to offer customers original spares to meet their needs and cover their various requirements for the replacement and upkeep of equipment supplied by TH. In our central warehouse we have a large stock of critical spare parts to supplement those held in the stores of our various branch offices. This ensures efficient replacement of critical parts as required by customers.
If necessary, TH can draw up a list of spares and wear parts for specific plants or equipment and enter into annual supply contracts to ensure preferential prices and delivery times for participating customers.
TH's after sales service offers customers specialist technical staff to help with equipment maintenance and repair operations and checks on the mechanical status of facilities, to provide specific training for operating and maintenance personnel etc.
The availability of technical staff and the services that they provide are managed to provide the most efficient response possible to critical maintenance and repair situations involving equipment and facilities supplied to our customers.
If required, TH can provide annual scheduled technical assistance under contract, ensuring preferential prices and availability for customers in the programme.
If you have any questions, please complete the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.