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Treatment plant for silica sand and kaolin

A turnkey plant for washing and sorting silica sand and kaolin. The plant was designed to process 80 t/h of raw product. The outfeed materials are supplied to the glass and ceramic manufacturing industries.

General data

  • Customer:Caolines La Piedra
  • Type of Facility:Washing and sorting plant
  • Industry:Industrial Minerals
  • Country:Spain
  • Application:Silica and Kaolin Sands
  • Output:80 T/h


Caolines Lapiedra is based in Valencia (Spain). It produces kaolin and silica sand, used mainly for manufacturing glass and ceramics.

The company engaged TH to handle the basic design, engineering, manufacturing and assembly of a washing and sorting plant and the preliminary process definition stage.

The washing and sorting plant handles raw materials with grain sizes of 0-100 mm and is designed for treatment levels suited to the mass balance that results from a throughput of 80 t/h. Within the scope of this project, TH manufactured and supplied various pieces of equipment including a trommel washer, hydrosizer, sump pumps, microcyclone batteries, etc. TH also incorporated screening, hydro-cyclone, dewatering screen and other systems plus the general plant control and regulation system.

Industrial Minerals  

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